Laguna Encantada trail

Laguna Encantada trail

In the Andorra Valley, a few kilometers from Ushuaia's city center, there are a number of trails that cross peat bogs, forests and mountain slopes. One of them takes you to a place of singular beauty, the Laguna Encantada (Enchanted Lagoon).


Signaled footpath


Network partially enabled


Duration: 5 h


Round trip

Difficulty: Medium


Longitude: 8km


IMPORTANTE: Es necesario planificar su salida, extremando las precauciones en las temporadas de otoño e invierno, debido a que disminuyen las horas de luz natural, se registran temperaturas bajo cero y el terreno puede encontrarse con presencia de barro, hielo y/o nieve. Es fundamental contar con indumentaria y calzado adecuado. En caso de emergencia, llamar al 911.

The trail to reach Laguna Encantada starts, like the one that leads to Laguna de los Témpanos, from a gate located at the end of the road that crosses the urbanization of Valle de Andorra, 8 kilometers away from the center of Ushuaia. During the first stretch of the trail, which is signposted, you must cross a peat bog area, bordering the Arroyo Grande on the left bank until you reach a bridge.  After crossing the bridge the path begins to ascend, and will lead you to a fork. Here we must take the path on the right, which goes into the forest until we reach an area of wetlands dominated by reeds with small streams. It is worth mentioning that in this area it is possible to get cell phone signal in some sectors. After about 10-15 minutes you reach the Laguna Encantada. This water mirror is located between steep mountain slopes, shaped in a U-shape by glacial action. In front of the lagoon you can see the Esfinge hill and to the north a peak called "Pequeño Cuerno" (Little Horn); on the margins of the lagoon you can also see different wetlands typical of this high altitude environment. To the north of the Laguna Encantada, in an ascending direction, is the Laguna Encantada Superior. However, this hike has a high difficulty, since you must climb a very steep rocky slope, so this trekking is only recommended for people with mountain experience.