
In Ushuaia you have the chance to make the journey of a lifetime.

Antarctica is the last continent discovered. Most of its 14 million square kilometers are covered with ice, which is about 1.5 kilometers thick. Since the lines of longitude meet at the poles, Antarctica encompasses all time zones on the planet. Its name derives from the Greek word Antarktikos, which means “opposite the Arctic”, that is, opposite the North Pole.

Its history is linked to the era of explorers and adventurers. From Cook, Bellingshausen, Weddell, and Ross, to Amundsen, Scott, Nordenskjöld,Shackleton and Argentine pioneers, Antarctica beckoned man with its uninhabitable lands, challenging seas, and the promise of great discoveries.

Today, Antarctica continues to captivate travelers's imagination. Every year thousands of tourists come to Ushuaia to embark on a journey of several days. Crossing the famous Drake Passage and the challenging waters of the South Atlantic sea, a trip to the White Continent is undoubtly a once in a lifetime experience.


Ushuaia is the nearest town to the White Continent, located at just 1.000 kilometres from the  Antarctic Peninsula. Each summer...


In Ushuaia you have the chance to make the journey of a lifetime.

Antarctica is the last continent discovered. Most of its 14 million square kilometers are covered with ice, which is about 1.5 kilometers thick. Since the lines of longitude meet at the poles, Antarctica encompasses all time zones on the planet. Its name derives from the Greek word Antarktikos, which means “opposite the Arctic”, that is, opposite the North Pole.

Its history is linked to the era of explorers and adventurers. From Cook, Bellingshausen, Weddell, and Ross, to Amundsen, Scott, Nordenskjöld,Shackleton and Argentine pioneers, Antarctica beckoned man with its uninhabitable lands, challenging seas, and the promise of great discoveries.

Today, Antarctica continues to captivate travelers's imagination. Every year thousands of tourists come to Ushuaia to embark on a journey of several days. Crossing the famous Drake Passage and the challenging waters of the South Atlantic sea, a trip to the White Continent is undoubtly a once in a lifetime experience.