Bird watching

A surprising contrast of landscapes unfolds before the birdwatcher in the Fuegian archipelago. In the steppe and the northern coastal area of the island you can discover a variety of marine and migratory birds.


There is around 200 species of birds in Tierra del Fuego.  In the northern area, where the Atlantic coast predominates, you can observe a diversity of marine and migratory birds, such as the Red Knot, the Double-collared Plover, the Sea Plover, the Antarctic Pigeon, the Giant Petrel, the Southern Oystercatcher, the Black-browed Albatross, and the Caranca or South American Tern.

In the steppe we can find the Ashy Plover, the Cinnamon-breasted Plover, the Red-headed Goose, the Silver Maca, the Southern Sparrowhawk, the Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant or the White-bellied seedsnipe.

Places of interest for bird watching

Atlantic Coast Reserve:

Located in the city of Rio Grande, the Atlantic Coast Reserve was created in 1998.  It is a protected natural area with a great diversity of migratory and endemic seabirds, and is included in the Hemispheric Network of Shorebird Reserves. The path along the waterfront extends for approximately 3 kilometers.

Interpretation Center of the Atlantic Coast Reserve

Located on National Route 3 in front of Las Barrancas neighborhood, it offers a didactic exhibition accessible to the public, with information about the species of foreign and resident birds and their migratory routes.

Punta Popper Urban Nature Reserve

Located at the mouth of the Río Grande, this protected area is part of the Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) under  the category of "Hemispheric Reserve".  It is accessed by a trail of low difficulty that leads to a viewpoint. 

Laguna Los Patos 

Located on Provincial Route 5, near the city, in this place you can take a walk that leads to a viewpoint on the shores of the lagoon. Ducks, herons, geese, plovers and thrushes are some of the species that nest, rest and feed in this lagoon.

More information

¿What is bird watching?

Basic equipment, recommendations and clothing

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Puede adquirir esta actividad a través de los siguientes prestadores
Bretti Gastón Martín
Los salesianos 3402
Realiza Avistaje de aves en la Cuidad de Ushuaia, pasando por Centros Invernales, Paso Garibaldi, Lago Escondido, Lago Fagnano, Laguna de los Patos, Centro de Interpretación Ambiental Río Grande y Punta Popper.

Bird watching

A surprising contrast of landscapes unfolds before the birdwatcher in the Fuegian archipelago. In the steppe and the northern coastal area of the island you can discover a variety of marine and migratory birds.



There is around 200 species of birds in Tierra del Fuego.  In the northern area, where the Atlantic coast predominates, you can observe a diversity of marine and migratory birds, such as the Red Knot, the Double-collared Plover, the Sea Plover, the Antarctic Pigeon, the Giant Petrel, the Southern Oystercatcher, the Black-browed Albatross, and the Caranca or South American Tern.

In the steppe we can find the Ashy Plover, the Cinnamon-breasted Plover, the Red-headed Goose, the Silver Maca, the Southern Sparrowhawk, the Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant or the White-bellied seedsnipe.

Places of interest for bird watching

Atlantic Coast Reserve:

Located in the city of Rio Grande, the Atlantic Coast Reserve was created in 1998.  It is a protected natural area with a great diversity of migratory and endemic seabirds, and is included in the Hemispheric Network of Shorebird Reserves. The path along the waterfront extends for approximately 3 kilometers.

Interpretation Center of the Atlantic Coast Reserve

Located on National Route 3 in front of Las Barrancas neighborhood, it offers a didactic exhibition accessible to the public, with information about the species of foreign and resident birds and their migratory routes.

Punta Popper Urban Nature Reserve

Located at the mouth of the Río Grande, this protected area is part of the Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) under  the category of "Hemispheric Reserve".  It is accessed by a trail of low difficulty that leads to a viewpoint. 

Laguna Los Patos 

Located on Provincial Route 5, near the city, in this place you can take a walk that leads to a viewpoint on the shores of the lagoon. Ducks, herons, geese, plovers and thrushes are some of the species that nest, rest and feed in this lagoon.

More information

¿What is bird watching?

Basic equipment, recommendations and clothing